Wednesday, 22 July 2015

The Amateur Photographer

Photographers are not born, they usually become one after years of trial and error as well as actual experience. There is, however, a shortcut to becoming a professional photographer without having to break your piggy bank.

The first thing that most photography Margaret River professionals would tell you is to know the rule of thirds. This means that, whatever is the subject of your shoot, it should be aligned with the top third or bottom third of your frame, and it should be either in the left third or right third.

Now, if you want to add more drama to your shots, you should change the viewpoint by which you shoot your pictures. You can shoot a subject from above your line of sight or you can take the shot below the line of sight of the object.

If possible, make sure that you shoot images in raw. This would allow you to take in all the elements in one shot. You can then make use of photo editing software in order to correct as well as play around the values.

Lastly, when you are trying to shoot a number of moving objects over a short period of time, most professionals would tell you to shoot in manual. This can be done by making sure that your camera is in priority mode for the aperture. Keep in mind that, since you have to take a number of shots over a short period of time, you do not have the luxury of time to change settings every now and then.

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