Wednesday, 22 July 2015

The Different Faces of Photography

When people hear the word, “photography”, images of professionals walking around with cameras around their neck come to mind. Not only is being a photographer Margaret River has more than that, photography, itself, is more than just having a high-tech camera.

Not many people may know it but there are actually different types of photography, most common of which is the landscape photography. As the name implies, this kind of photography is focused more on shooting the environment. Because of its nature, it is oftentimes referred to as Nature Photography although the term is also used to describe Wildlife Photography.

Event Photography is another kind of photography that most people know about. One of the most popular type of event photography is wedding photography. Of all the different kinds of photography, event photography is considered to be the most financially rewarding especially if you have already proven your chops among clients.

Those who are still amateur and new to the world of photography can consider learning about vernacular photography. In this type of photography, the focus is on capturing subjects during unguarded moments. One of the most popular type of vernacular photography is street photography. What sets this kind of photography different from the rest is the fact that the focus is not on presenting an artistic product.

Underwater photography is also one of the up-and-coming type of photography that even amateurs can indulge in. Considered to be the most challenging type of photography, it is sometimes categorized under Nature Photography because of the usual subjects of the shoot.

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